Friday, March 27, 2009

Smell My Breath

When Eli brushes his teeth he loves to run in and ask me to "smell his breath." The funny part is that he lifts his arm up and wants me to smell his armpit. Not quite sure that I see the correlation between brushing his teeth and smelling his pits but it is dang funny!!!!

Pup Cakes

I will admit kids say really cute things and one of Eli's cute little words it "pup cake." Pup cake is actually a cup cake but I'm not fixing it! He was excited to share his pup cakes with Peanut and here is the result. (Note: Eli chose green for The Hulk)!

Spidy Maid

Eli enjoys anything "super hero." Spiderman, Batman and of course, Hulk are his favorites. So it really wasn't surprising to find Spiderman vacuuming his room. Spiderman does a lot of things around our house but it is usually the Hulk that has to spend time in "time-out!"

Wednesday, March 18, 2009

The Zoo

For our eighth anniversary we spent the day at the zoo with our cousins. It was very fun.

Mama T

We had a nice visit with my Grandma. Everyone just loved my oniony salad. It brought us all to tears. Oops!
Attempting to take the great-grandkids picture with Mama T. Never easy!!!!

Eli's First Trip to the Dentist

Here is Eli showing off his newly cleaned teeth!
The light was too bright so he got to wear some cool shades!!!
So brave!
Here we go to the dentisit!

Too Long!!! & St. Patty's Surprise

Wow, it has been way to long since I have posted anything on the blog. I guess the most exciting thing to start this posting off is that we are having another boy. I am very excited that Eli will have a brother and that I already have lots of boy stuff. Woooo Hoooo!

St. Patricks Day we woke to Eli's pitter patter followed by a loud "WHAT?" Some silly leperchauns had paid a visit, dropped candy and surprises around the house. One of the surprises was a batman figurine. Eli came running into our bedroom wondering if batman was his. He was very perplexed by the trail of treats that he dragged me out of bed to show me. He was also worried that his shoes were missing because that is what happened last year. He ran to his closet and sure enough his shoes were missing. But it didn't take him long to find his, mommy's and daddy's shoes piled in a corner of the living room. While breakfast it was also funny to find that our milk had turned green. Oh the simple things that such joy to a two-year-old.